Friday, 4 December 2015

Preserving love in challenging times


We all want to fall in love and remain happily in love for as long as we live. Not an impossible task though, it's just that in life, things do happen that will shake the foundations of things we hold dear.

A lot of relationships, I mean a lot and not all, started on pleasant terms - everything was just ok at the beginning. Problem is that, life happens...government policies change, companies relocate or fold up, businesses collapse and graduates are stranded in the labour market.

How do you manage and adjust to change, especially the economic factors and still remain in love?

Like any other thing in life and relationships, there may not be a single formula, it all depends on the peculiar situation. Irrespective of what is lost, be it job, business, or even a dream, what matters is the commitment to work it out together.

Beyond commitment, the next factor will be humility. It does not matter who is bringing home the bacon, humility must be the watch word. Marriage should not end or become abusive simply because financial roles are reversed.

Someone has to make sacrifices. At times, both parties will have to sacrifice something, either their money or their pride to be able to turn the tide over time. Someone may need to go back to school, or learn a new skill and someone got to part with money or work harder to provide the required support.

The last thing I want to talk about is teamwork. Team work is necessary because ideas and support for pushing those ideas may be necessary on the pathway to recovery.

The worst thing that can happen to a partner whose condition has changed or who has not been able to achieve life aspirations is to lose the support and respect of the other partner. It is betrayal on the deepest level.  

On the flip side, victory will taste sweeter if you ride the waves and get to the other side to savour the victories together. At that point, what you get is not just love, but trust and deep assurance.

I pray your love is not tested, but if you do get there, just know that you can come out stronger and even better.
Please drop your comments, we will like to share from your experience on this or related issues.

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