Friday, 9 August 2013

3 Ds of Infidelity in Marriage

Dear Readers,

Today is not a day for long story. I just want to inspire you or de-motivate you (depending on which side of the divide you are) with what I feel are the three top dangers of infidelity.

I have come to discover that people will always do whatever they have to do at a particular point in their life, but we find encouragement in pushing out the message hoping that, just one person will re-consider and think again.

Back to the issue, what are the three top consequences of infidelity, at least while we are still on planet earth?

Disease/Death - STDs, some very incurable and highly transferable. Straying from your matrimonial bed is a very high risk venture. Well, some believe that man must die somehow, someday. But why do you want to die before your time?

Disgrace - Wao, many mighty men and women have fallen and great plans aborted due to the shame and scandal of an infidelity blown open. Hey, it is not only religious people that get disgraced, ask Bill Clinton, Tiger Woods or DSK.

Destabilisation - Everyone desires a stable family. Infidelity accounts for half of divorce cases. Half of us may not forgive a cheating spouse caught red handed. What does that do? Another lost dream to build a suitable nest to raise a family gone down the drain.

It can be more, please feel free to bring them on.

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