Saturday, 22 March 2014

Domestic Violence: Looking Beyond the Gender Politics

Once upon a time, the sight of a man “disciplining” a woman was a familiar one. We can all think back to the couple next door who will engage in some fight once in awhile.  I have heard Ladies saying that they expect a man who loves them to handle them “strongly”. There are also instances of men who have lived under the same roof with very physically aggressive women; these sorts of men are usually mockingly referred to as “woman wrapper” in the neighbourhood.

Whichever way you want to look at it, violence is part of the sinful human nature which is nurtured by anger and lack of self control. Domestic violence itself is nothing new, even though it is receiving greater focus these days than ever before. The bottom line is this, violence of any sort, whether at home, on the road, in the offices, in places of worship, be it emotionally inflicted, financially imposed or physical administered has always been wrong.
I became worried when I noticed that majority of the advocates against domestic violence have positioned their cause to imply that the victim is always the woman. The woman as a victim of domestic violence is understating the problem, and if we do not adjust the focus of the struggle, we may never win the war; we may win the battle by getting women to leave the so called “abusive relationships”, but do nothing to prevent the victim from being abused again in subsequent relationships. Domestic violence is larger than wife beating, it includes verbal attacks, emotional blackmail and torment, and even handling the kids with so much “iron hand” and excessive outbursts and screaming.  It is true that a child brought up by angry bitter parents will most likely have intolerant temper and end up in a violent relationship.
We have so changed; civilization has made things that were possible years ago to become unthinkable. Things that were tolerated years ago are no longer acceptable. Women have become more economically empowered, less dependent on men, more vocal and obviously more demanding of positive behaviours from their men. In this new world, how a woman balances the power she now has with relating with her man can make or mar a relationship.  A lot of marriages are either silently crumbling or physically exploding all because of the power tussle, contest of superiority and battle for relevance between the man and his woman.  Money, sex, kids, mode or place of worship, extended family issues, relationship with opposite sex, even job among other routine issues presents potential for violent conflicts in relationships. Most of the conflicts is solely due to lack of an acceptable decision making model. Is it the man that calls all the shots, is it the Wife or is it joint, and if it is a tie, how is a truce brokered?

In every case of domestic violence, I believe there are always at least two victims. A man who has physically abused his wife will most likely have been verbally and emotionally abused and demeaned. I have never seen a man beat up a “sweet and lovely” woman who has mastered the art of positive communication.  Violence is a natural response to violence of some sorts; remember the law of seed time and harvest. Likewise, a woman who has decided to either physically harass the husband or pour vitriolic verbal vituperations on him leaving his ego mutilated and his manly confidence annihilated must have been exposed to some level of frustrations and disappointments in the relationship. A mother who inflicts so much pain on the kids must have either been tormented as a kid or reacting to the turbulence in her marital relationship.  
Therefore, while some people will like to build NGOs around rescuing women from violent men, I will like to advise for the sake of maintaining a sane society with strong family values, we should not just pull the woman out of the “hole” of domestic violence, we should try to help all the other victims involved, the husband and the kids, if any....they are all victims. 

I conclude therefore that since it is no longer acceptable for anybody to be beaten up, the man or the woman, and it is obviously not acceptable to verbally abuse or emotionally torment another, then it becomes imperative for couples and even singles planning on getting married to understand the power of positive communication, master their temperaments, manage their anger, understand how to agree and disagree without creating storms, fight fairly – no hitting below the belt, and learn the rudiments of mutual respect.  If we must be different from our ancestors who were comfortable with battering and abuse, we must know what they did not know and act differently.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

No Good Marriage for Lazy Man/Woman

Social media has now provided an anonymous platform for people to table their life matters for discussions. The quality of responses submitted by these very faceless advisers is a story for another day. It is very common now to find questions on various blogs on what to do to revive marriages – wait for it, most of them not more than 1 year after the wedding.
Question is, what is it that is so terribly wrong in a relationship that within one year, the individuals involved are now total strangers and feeling so frustrated?
I may not have all the answers, but I think this generation has got lots of work to do to make marriages work. This is a generation that knows so much about how sweet marriage should be but do nothing to prepare for it. This generation spends so much time looking for the ideal guy or girl with emphasis on materialism and unsustainable fantasies, forgetting that marriage is a world of reality. This is a generation that starts giving and receiving love so early to the wrong people and by the time, marriage comes along, either there is nothing left to give, or mental blocks and stereotypes have built up walls that the partner cannot penetrate.  We get married thinking we have it all sorted out and Miss or Mr Right well secured, only to wake up to find out that he or she is as human as any other person you probably dumped. We get married either thinking all the good things we see will remain permanent and the bad ones will go away, but what happens if change happens, what will you do if he or she will just not meet your expectation to adopt certain changes you had envisaged?
For real, hopes dashed can crush the heart and send couples in different directions. However, it boils down to your understanding of love which you professed before taking the marriage vows.  If it was really love, it should be strong enough look at your disappointments with the eye of unconditional love. Chances are that if you sacrificially invest love and mercy on your imperfect spouse, you will likely receive same in a rich measure.
Wedding is an event, and can be compared to the day you work into an auto dealer’s yard to pick the latest model of your favourite car. Guess what, as you are celebrating your acquisition, you will most likely get a call from the Service Rep whose job is to tell you about the maintenance plan – You need to visit for servicing after just 30 days and periodically thereafter in a very deliberate and systematic way. Ladies and Gentlemen, I know you thought you married the best guy or babe in town, do you have a work/maintenance plan to keep the marriage running smoothly without any of you drifting apart?  How do you sift your emotional connection time from the myriads of family challenges that will come up for discussions every day? How do you disagree respectfully over various tricky issues that you never knew you had varying opinion?  How do you plan to stay loving, lovely and committed emotionally irrespective of any challenge that will come?
When married people get into affairs, they resume the good things they have stopped doing for their spouses, affairs are sweet because people work hard to meet their sin partners’ needs, and I must say that, the other man or woman in an affair is usually as imperfect as anyone else - why not work on making your marriage great today?

Sunday, 23 February 2014

How to Manage a Single Income Household

Every good Marriage Counsellor will tell you to get married to someone you love who also has potentials to create some income. This counsel is on point because “two is better than one”, and this principle applies to every area of life including family finance.  Without prejudice to peculiar situations where one of the spouses is extremely rich, and a second income is not required, for ordinary folks like you and I, combined income will certainly take you further in life than a single source.
As a matter of fact, single sourced family income is one of the biggest issues in marriage. It does not matter whether the job goes or stays, the mere fact that the destiny of a man, his wife and probably kids is depending on one source is enough to cause stress in the family. We have had bitter cases where marital love flies out of the window and couples begin to do the most bizarre things when the single source of income ceases to produce.
As desirable as it is to have both partners contributing financially, due to economic and social constraints, circumstances abound where families just could not avoid living with a single source of income. We can pray and try to change the situation, but how do you live with the situation and still be able to meet your family’s long term aspirations?
Learn Budgeting
Having a financial plan for each year, month, week, and days will help your family to follow a safe roadmap that can lead to tangible results.  The partner earning income has to be transparent to share the plan with the other spouse, and with transparency comes discipline that is critical to budget implementation.
Cut the Fat
It is important you shed the weight at this time. Every unnecessary attachments and appendages with financial impacts must give way. It is important you steer your family to safe harbours financially before you begin to think of those ever present extended family commitments. Remember, a drowning man will certainly stand a chance of survival if he is not hugging his baggage.
Step Down
I am sorry to say this, as it may not sound very tasteful. There are times when you need to scale down on your tastes and lifestyle choices. This may mean moving out of that expensive neighbourhood, cancelling that exotic vacation or even opting for a cheaper but efficient car.  Stepping down helps you to at least be real with yourself and sets the stage for faster financial recovery.
Deploy the available additional capacity
Why use two housemaids when Mrs is unemployed? What is wrong with Mr dropping off and picking Madam at work every day and save the cost of driver’s salary?  I tell you, couples can achieve amazing things if they learn to collaborate with each other in times when one of them is redundant.  This is also the best time to explore possibilities that you could hardly think of when both of you were working. Most importantly, instead of drifting apart due to financial pressure, this can be an incredible time to bond with your spouse doing things you could hardly ever find time to do before.
Go for wealth creation
A sudden job loss or career accident can be a great opportunity for a life changing turnaround. I hear stories of women looking for job for 10 years, and their husbands are gainfully employed. There is something wrong with that. Man/woman, instead of looking down on your jobless wife or husband, due to the years of fruitless job search, you can discipline yourself and save your earnings to provide capital for a great business idea that will take your family to the next level.  Capital raising experts maintain that the easiest source of seed capital is what is called the 3 Fs, Family, Friends and Fools. When you invest in your spouse, you are directly investing in your own future.
There maybe more, but I believe with these few, you will overcome the despondency and bitterness so common with carrying the financial burden of an entire family, and begin to soar towards financial comfort.


Saturday, 11 January 2014

How "Packaging" Wrecks Relationships

Ever wonder why a man and woman who just few months back were gazing into each other’s eyes with so much admiration and deep feelings of emotional contentment will suddenly fall into despair and regrets over their marital choice? Here are some of the reasons marriage is seen as the best eye opener ever known to mankind.  In other words, we are highlighting those things that changing them will jeopardize the relationship, changing these things may be interpreted by your spouse as false advertisement, you showed him or her one brand proposal and what he or she gets happens to be something else.  Ouch.....this can hurt badly, no one like to be deceived.
Your level of Spirituality or religious/social convictions
Hey, if you did not come clean on what you truly are, there will be issues. Did you try to appear to be comfortable with regular life of the “joneses” when in actual fact you are supposed to be “spirikoko”? You are a tongue speaking Sister, but you played along with him doing the nightclub routines until he proposed? Or is it that you joined the Prayer Team or Choir to try and appear spiritual when in actual fact you don’t have the intention and capacity to operate at that level after marriage? Watch it, you may be advertising falsely and your spouse may not find it funny to have gotten a wrong product.
You were supposed to financially conservative
While some Ladies will make their intention to help the man spend his money very clear from the onset, some smart Ladies will enter the scene and capture the ring without presenting any serious financial challenge.  That is alright for any man, but trouble comes when she settles in and starts to submit bank breaking expenditure proposals.  It may be the guy who started out as a free spender, only to contract his level of generosity after the deed was done. Both ways, it will be seen as brand integrity issue.
From Miss Independent to “Mrs I need You every minute”
You have to know what kind of woman a man needs for a wife and be sure it is your type. Some of us guys will need a strong woman with a mind of her own who can  deal with issues when we are out there. If you know you are the type that wants your husband with you even while shopping for yam and beans, you may need to look for your man elsewhere.  Babe, it is not enough that the guy is an oil company worker, have you got what it takes to manage loneliness when he is offshore? Do you know you need grace to be a Pastor or even a banker’s wife? Is your man a smart upcoming consulting professional?  Please count the cost of future lonely days before you say I do.
Come to Me Babe, I will take care of you....
Guys, you knew all your strategies have failed, and you decided to play the big boy card, tell her she does not need to worry about anything in life the day she marries you. Are you kidding me? Hello, did I see your father’s name in the Forbes list of richest men in the world? If not, you and your deceived wife are on a “long thing”. First of all, you don’t even mean what you have told her, but trouble is, she doesn’t know. Hmn, I smell serious trouble the day she says she is tired of either working or looking for job.
You are so gentle that you cannot even hurt a fly
Are you really as gentle, tolerant, and forgiving as you are appearing to be before you tie the knots? I know people will take anything that their potential spouse throws at them, just to get the person to accept the proposal, but can you sustain that level of patience and endurance when you get in? If this sterling qualities were the selling point, failure to sustain them will spell crisis, don’t forget that your spouse had options, which also includes dealing upfront with the real you and deciding whether he or she can cope.
You appear to be the Modern day Romeo or Juliet
You epitomize romance and adventure, is this really you? Can you truly sustain this “ogbono feli feli” level of romantic dispositions?  We have heard married people saying they don’t like sex or too much sex (I don’t even know what that means anyway), you begin to wonder why they could not proceed to the convent instead of wasting everybody’s time getting into marriage.   If your pre-marital romantic escapades and gymnastics is just a project, then the fellow that falls for it will be so disappointed when the project is over.
Do you really mean you love his family members?
You said his mother is so cute and lovely, and you love everything about his family, are you serious?  Will you still say the same thing if the guy invites Mama over to stay for awhile? Guy, when you noticed that your wife has some close affinity with her younger sister, you should know two people will be moving into your house after the wedding.  It takes awhile for couples to walk around these family issues, some marriages are either destroyed or badly damaged in the process.
You were all so homely
You set out to be the perfect home girl, but within you, you can’t wait for the wedding to be over before you tell him how many housemaids and household gadgets you need. A smart guy who wants to save some money before the kids start arriving would have married the “home girl” version of you to achieve that purpose, how frustrated he will be to know that he has to get house helps and machines almost immediately.
 I have also heard about guys who pretended they don’t eat at home, always Chinese, Mexican and all the exotic spots in town, you will be making your new bride regret the day she met you when you suddenly demand for a freshly home-made bowl of egusi soup and pounded yam.
What is really your life ambition?
This is another area of crisis and disillusionment for newlyweds.  Some folks will wait until after their wedding to suddenly lose all aspirations and passion for career or business, or in some cases begin to make confusing choices. There are cases where women suddenly said they are tired of working after getting married; this is usually to the chagrin of their career women loving husbands.  Both men and women struggle with spouses who apparently have no desire to pursue any clear aspirations.
Meet the Superman or Woman
You will not believe that people go through courtship hiding their most vulnerable life struggles. They will rather lie to avoid being seen by their potential mates during these vulnerable moments.  None of us is made up of strengths only, we all have weaknesses and issues, it is one thing to avoid opening your entire baggage on the first date, it is another thing to move into matrimony with the dirt bag sealed; The rot may be too bad to handle after awhile if sealed for too long.
Well, not keeping brand promises is actually a serious marketing crime which can kill the product. It can be that bad. So if you are single, be careful about what you are advertising to your potential spouses, be careful not to over-promise and later under-deliver; and if you are married, remember the contents of your product proposals. Well, if your relationship has suffered brand damage or loss in market share due to these issues, don’t give up just yet, re-visit your strategies and set out to satisfy your spouse or negotiate where delivery is no longer feasible.